Wednesday, 27 January 2016

RSPCA Dogs Enjoying Doggy Ice Cream

I've been meaning to post this for some time but with the RSPCA in the news for all the wrong reasons, I want to share some pictures of RSPCA dogs with Doggy Ice Cream that was donated by Waggy Doggy Doodahs to the Patcham rehoming centre in Brighton for a Christmas treat.
RSPCA Dogs with Ice Cream

RSPCA Dog with Ice Cream

Doggy Ice Cream Christmas Delivery to RSPCA Brighton

The RSPCA does an amazing job often in very difficult circumstances. Those that criticise them should instead wonder how they manage at all on such limited resources. With cuts in other areas of public spending, the RSPCA is having to help where the local authority and the Police are unable to commit the resources they once did. Instead of complaining, the public should dig deep and donate.

The Top Dog